Thursday 28 July 2011

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A customer came to us a few weeks ago needing inspiration for his Sapphire wedding anniversary. Now obviously he wanted sapphires, but other than that he was a little stuck.

After discussing what his wife likes, wears etc we came up with an unusual design ... a blackbird white gold brooch. This is the image that the customer liked and what we worked from:

I immediately set about designing this brooch as we were working to a tight schedule.

Once I had made the brooch itself we decided to add all the detailing of a Blackbird's feathers, there was only one engraver that I would trust to give us the level of detail that was required ... George Lukes. He is a master hand engraver and has won many awards over the years for his skill and detail.

For the sapphire we set a single blue sapphire for the birds eye. Stunning!

Our customer loves it and we got it made just in time for his wedding anniversary. Now all he has to worry about is how to smuggle it into the house without his wife noticing!!!

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